Sunday, 21 April 2013

Sunday, 29 July 2012

The Best Infographics on Lead generation


Lead generation is one of the major stake that are facing B2B marketers. It is the first step of the customer buying cycle that its ultimate goal is to close the sale and generate revenues.
With the increase of social media uses, the development of new channels, and the explosion of content marketing and inbound marketing strategies, the process of finding leads has evolved. Here are some good infographics that explain what is lead generation and how it works.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Interesting statistics about B2B Social media marketing

Sometimes, the benefits of social media strategies for B2B companies do not seem so obvious. There is a persistent cliché that social media is for B2C companies and not for B2B. Even if in some cases, this statement is true, B2B marketers are far more concerned and involved in social media strategies than B2C marketers.
This video, even if it is a bit dated (2010) demonstrates why B2B companies have an interest to be on social media.

Elements that worth to be reminded:
 - 81% of B2B companies maintain an account on social media websites. 75% participate in microblogging. For B2C companies, those figures fall respectively to 67% and 49%.
 - 93% of B2B buyers think companies should have a social media presence and 85% want this interact directly.
 - 70% of purchases are done with an established vendors or depend to the word of mouth recommendations. B2B professionals are known to talk with their peers. 48% of the buyers participate or follow industry conversations and 59% seek reviews from peers. Finally, 37% of B2B buyers ask questions on social media websites.
 - The B2B buying process is changing: buyers use search to start the process. Therefore, it is critical to be present on social media, even if the ROI is not easily calculable. 

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Sunday, 22 July 2012

What is strategy? by Michael Porter

Strategy is a term that is easy to understand. However, some people are still confusing strategy, tactic and goal.
This video of Michael Porter clarifies the situation and is a must see for anyone aiming to succeed in business. Enjoy!

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